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Cum să îngrijești bijuteriile din aur de 14K pentru a le menține strălucitoare în timp

How to care for 14K gold jewelry to keep it shiny over time

14K gold is an ideal choice for jewelry because of its balance between purity and durability. Unlike 24K gold, which is very soft, 14K gold contains metal alloys that give it strength, but it can s...

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Cum să alegi cerceii potriviți în funcție de forma feței

How to choose the right earrings according to your face shape

When choosing a pair of earrings, it's important to consider not only the style and material, but also your face shape. The right earrings can balance your proportions, accentuate your features, a...

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Diamantele Nefinisate: De ce să Alegi Bijuterii cu Diamante Brute?

Unfinished Diamonds: Why Choose Rough Diamond Jewelry?

Diamonds are among the most prized gemstones, but not all of them need to be perfectly cut and polished to be spectacular. Raw diamonds retain their natural beauty, with a raw, organic and unique ...

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Perlele Mallorca vs. Perlele de Cultură: Care Este Alegerea Mai Bună?

Mallorca Pearls vs. Cultured Pearls: Which Is the Better Choice?

Pearls are symbols of elegance and refinement, prized for centuries for their timeless beauty. In their search for the perfect piece of jewelry, many people wonder what the difference is between M...

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Crează o bijuterie din perle - atelier de perle în București cu Raluca Nistor

Create a pearl jewel - pearl workshop in Bucharest with Raluca Nistor

Raluca Nistor, co-founder of Atelier Devi, runs our pearl workshops in Bucharest. Antena 1 reporters wanted to find out more and paid us a visit to the workshop during a course. You can find the r...

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Cum pot fi purtate perlele în ținutele de zi cu zi?

How can pearls be worn in everyday outfits?

Pearls are no longer reserved for elegant occasions. Today, they are successfully integrated into everyday outfits, adding a sophisticated touch to even the most casual looks. Here are some ways y...

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Cum să alegi între bijuterii argintii sau aurii? Ghid complet pentru o alegere inspirată

How to choose between silver or gold jewelry? Complete guide for an inspired choice

When choosing jewelry, one of the most common dilemmas is: silver or gold? This decision can influence how you look and feel wearing your favorite accessories. The choice is not only about personal...

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Cum să Alegi Cerceii de Mireasă Perfecți: Ghid Complet pentru un Look Impecabil

How to Choose the Perfect Bridal Earrings: Complete Guide for a Flawless Look

Choosing bridal earrings is an important step in creating a spectacular appearance on your wedding day. The right earrings will complement your dress, hairstyle and accessories, adding a touch of ...

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Cum aleg un colier din perle? Ghidul complet pentru un look elegant și modern

How to choose a pearl necklace? The complete guide for an elegant and modern look

How to choose a pearl necklace? The complete guide for an elegant and modern look

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Bijuterii din aur si diamante brute

What you need to know when buying jewelry

Discover the benefits of spun gold, 14K gold, and rhodium-plated 925 silver for durable and elegant jewelry. Learn why these metals are better choices.

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Lant aur cu diamante brute negre

Rough diamonds in the Atelier Devi Collection

At Atelier Devi, we believe that true elegance comes from imperfections. Our new raw diamond collection captures the essence of nature in its purest form – delicate and unprocessed jewelry that ex...

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colier din perle gri naturale si aur

Are gray pearls natural? Why choose gray pearls?

Pearls have been considered a symbol of refinement and natural beauty for centuries. While white pearls are classic and widely known, gray pearls bring an air of mystery and uniqueness that makes ...

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Workshop de creație de bijuterii - atelier de perle

Jewelry creation workshop - pearl workshop

Jewelry creation workshop in Bucharest for private individuals and companies, special events in your life (birthday, private party). Created by Raluca Sima - Nistor, jeweler.

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lant cu perla neagra

Black pearls - are they natural or "fake"?

Yes, there are natural pearls. They are formed by a specific type of oyster, called Pinctada margaritifera, from the Tahiti area. The inner part of these types of oysters has a black band that is...

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Pop-up în iunie în mall Vitan București

Pop-up in June in Vitan mall Bucharest

In June you can find us inside the Alist Designers Boutique store in Vitan Bucharest mall. We bring the 2023 summer collection as well as the most desired natural pearl jewelry at promotional pr...

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Atelier Devi în publicația Curatorialist

Atelier Devi in ​​the Curatorialist publication

In October 2022, on the occasion of participating in Romanian Jewelley Week, I gave an interview to the Curatorialist publication. Read here the interview with Brîndusa and Raluca, the two halves ...

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Atelier Devi bijuterii perle

Atelier Devi x Romanian Jewelry Week 2022

In October, we had the honor of participating, through our partner Alb Alb , at Romanian Jewelry Week 2022. During this event, we presented a new collection in which we experimented with rubies, sa...

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Cum am grijă de bijuteriile din aur filat (gold filled)?

How do I take care of gold filled jewelry?

What does flat gold or gold filled mean? How do you take care of spun gold jewelry? How do you clean spun gold jewelry?

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Care este diferența dintre aurul filat (gold filled) și cel placat?

What is the difference between gold filled and gold plated?

Gold-plated jewelry contains 100 times more gold than gold-plated or vermeil jewelry, so it can last 10-20 years of wear. It is a more affordable choice than pure gold jewelry and more versatile, ...

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Atelier Devi, în Ziarul Financiar

Atelier Devi, in the Financial Journal

In January, we had the honor of speaking with journalists from Ziarul Financiar about how we started Atelier Devi, what motivates us every day. Access the full article and video interview here.

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Cum recunoști perlele adevărate?

How do you recognize real pearls?

Simple tests you can do: 1. You can gently rub the pearl against one of your teeth face. Real pearls have a sandy texture, caused by the natural existence of small imperfections. Fake pearls ar...

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Lungimea colier

How do I choose the right length for necklaces and bracelets?

A simple guide to easily choose the right length for you for bracelets and necklaces.

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Descoperă bijuteriile noastre în magazinul Alb Alb

Discover our jewelry in the Alb Alb store

Starting with June 2021, you can find a selection of our jewelry in the Alb Alb store in Bucharest. We started with a selection of the most popular pearl and gold filled jewelry, and we bring ne...

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