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Crează o bijuterie din perle - atelier de perle în București cu Raluca Nistor

Create a pearl jewel - pearl workshop in Bucharest with Raluca Nistor

Raluca Nistor, co-founder of Atelier Devi, runs our pearl workshops in Bucharest. Antena 1 reporters wanted to find out more and paid us a visit to the workshop during a course. You can find the r...

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Lant aur cu diamante brute negre

Rough diamonds in the Atelier Devi Collection

At Atelier Devi, we believe that true elegance comes from imperfections. Our new raw diamond collection captures the essence of nature in its purest form – delicate and unprocessed jewelry that ex...

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Workshop de creație de bijuterii - atelier de perle

Jewelry creation workshop - pearl workshop

Jewelry creation workshop in Bucharest for private individuals and companies, special events in your life (birthday, private party). Created by Raluca Sima - Nistor, jeweler.

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Atelier Devi, în Ziarul Financiar

Atelier Devi, in the Financial Journal

In January, we had the honor of speaking with journalists from Ziarul Financiar about how we started Atelier Devi, what motivates us every day. Access the full article and video interview here.

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Descoperă bijuteriile noastre în magazinul Alb Alb

Discover our jewelry in the Alb Alb store

Starting with June 2021, you can find a selection of our jewelry in the Alb Alb store in Bucharest. We started with a selection of the most popular pearl and gold filled jewelry, and we bring ne...

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