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Premium jewelery - unique models created by us


We are Raluca Sima - Nistor and Brîndușa Sima - van Dijk, two sisters united by a deep passion for jewelry. And not just to wear it, but also to create it and bring other women the joy of feeling special. Six years ago, we started creating pearl jewelry, being among the first workshops to reinvent classic models, transforming them into modern and easy-to-wear pieces.

But Atelier Devi is not just about jewelry—it's also a place where the passion for beauty comes to life. That's why we organize creative workshops, where anyone can discover their creativity and experience the joy of making their own pearl necklace.

Discover our collections or come to a workshop and be inspired by the magic of pearls.


We design each piece of jewelry with passion and attention to detail. All our designs are created by us, and most are handmade in our workshop in Bucharest.

For 14K gold jewelry, we collaborate with specialized family workshops in Spain, ensuring that each piece is of the highest quality and will last over time.

Every piece of jewelry tells a story—discover our collections and find the piece that defines you.

"We believe in timeless jewelry, crafted with care and respect for the materials. We use only authentic cultured pearls, 14K gold, and the highest quality silver, working with family workshops to support the tradition of craftsmanship. We want each piece of jewelry to be worn and loved for years to come."

Brindusa Sima van Dijk

"Each piece of jewelry begins with an idea and a carefully crafted sketch. In our workshop, we carefully select the pearls and materials, then handcraft every detail to achieve an elegant, durable, and easy-to-wear piece of jewelry."

Raluca Nistor


Dragostea noastră pentru bijuterii a început încă din copilărie. Când eram mici, petreceam ore întregi uitându-ne la bijuteriile mamei și ale bunicii. Bunica purta întotdeauna la evenimentele de familie șiragul ei din perle, broșa și cerceii. Era atât de elegantă și deosebită, pentru că se gândea mereu cum să îmbogățească fiecare ținută cu ajutorul bijuteriilor.

Bunica noastră a avut o mare influență asupra alegerilor noastre în ceea ce privește bijuteriile pe care le purtăm sau le creăm. Romantismul și nostalgia pe care le regăsesc clientele noastre în piesele noastre provin din această reinventare a modelelor clasice, îmbinate cu modernismul femeii de azi, de oriunde din lume.