Frequently asked questions & answers
How can you get in touch with us?
You can contact us by filling out the form below, by email at We strive to reply within one working day.
You can find us in one of the following partner stores in Bucharest:
ALB ALB • Selection of pearl jewellery. You can contact us to check if the desired product is available in the store. Address: Str. Lt. Av. Şerban Petrescu no. 1, Bucharest.
Our products are imagined and most of them also manufactured in our own ateliers throughout Romania and European Union. This way we guarantee excellent working conditions, adherence to sustainability practices in the industry and quality products.
Want information before placing an order?
Orders are generally shipped within one business day of placing the order online. They are sent by courier to the recipient. Depending on your location, your order will arrive within 3-5 days after placing your order.
Yes, we deliver to the European Union.